An educational philosopher says,
“Give the pupils something to do, not something to learn and when the doing is of such a nature as to demand thinking, learning naturally results.”
Youth is a season of hope and aspiration. As educators, we need to develop in our young students the necessary civic competence empowering them to become good and responsible citizens.
Citizenship education cannot be imparted merely by providing students with factual information. We have to think not only in terms of developing competence in students but also in terms of influencing their attitudes which are essential for running democracy in the country on right lines. The Mock Parliament is one such activity by which we can impart some real citizenship education. The Mock Parliament should go a long way in equipping future leaders for their role in the country’s parliament and their contribution in making this world a better place.
Through the various Community Service Activities conducted by the four houses, students reach out to the less fortunate and the needy with an attitude of humane approach of empathy, thoughtfulness and concern.