Every year, since 2012-13, our kindergarten students put up a great show, par excellence, regaling the fond audience with their innocuous portrayal of solemn characters ranging from dashing pirates and precocious fairies, wicked stepmothers and witches and characters from the Biblical Parables, Shakespeare’s plays and Greek legends and dances around the world!!
The teachers toil tirelessly for months preparing all the students and ensuring each student has a plum role and gets a fair share of limelight on stage. The main objective is to enhance the usage of English among the kindergarten students.
All are filled with wonder at the smooth delivery of lines in English on stage even by the nursery tiny tots!
Our students on the other hand, are enthralled by the lights and music provided in the background as well as the beautiful props prepared painstakingly by the kindergarten teachers and the thunder of applause by the fawning audience gives a tremendous boost to their self - confidence!