Instilling Franciscan and Gandhian Values
Moral and social values are the foundation of a sound personality and a love for our natural environment instils eco- consciousness. Gandhian values are still valid and absolutely crucial today. Our school patron saint, St. Francis of Assisi, has left a shining example of Nurturing Nature and a deep empathetic love for those who are lesser privileged than us and also to love and be kind to animals.
Hence, after the pandemic, every year, we dedicate an entire week in October to events held in our school following this theme: "Benevolence: A Tribute to Service and Nature"
Benevolence 2022 saw a plethora of activities including a skit by Sr.KG students depicting the Gandhian values of Truth, Non-violence and Cleanliness as well as a Street Play by the students of the Secondary section, a day devoted to learning about loving animals (as advocated by St. Francis Of Assissi who is known as the Patron Saint of Ecology) and taking care of pets which the students of the Primary proudly brought to school, a tree plantation drive by the students of the Primary section and a special fete put up with the generous patronage of our Pre-primary Parents the proceeds with which a special programme was arranged by us for the lesser privileged children of “Asha Ankur” run by the Society Of The Cannossian Sons of Charity, Vasai, bringing Christmas cheer and a smile on their faces.
The highlight of Benevolence 2023 was a special programme organised to bring a smile upon the faces of our non- teaching staff, who work tirelessly and they were given gifts and a special treat with the contributions of the students. The lighted up faces of our Kindergarten tiny tots, as they distributed the treats and the gifts, truly depicted the old saying so beautifully…it is better to give then to receive……